Monday, February 25, 2013

Everybody's working for the weekend

This past weekend was yet another Vocalis Wochenende. And although I don't particularly like some of the songs we're singing or singing second soprano, it somehow didn't bother me this weekend like last month. I actually enjoyed myself a lot this weekend. We had considerably more free time, and I actually got to hang out with people my age!!!
Friday night, some of us decided to head over to McDonalds. My absolute favorite "restaurant" of all time... but I never really get out, so I went anyways. Still can't bring myself to try a burger, even though Micky D's is purportedly better over here. I ordered a Cookie McFlurry. They were promoting especially American varieties, and the cashier decided to complain to me about how these awful American names are so hard to pronounce and don't make any sense... "Appleh krumbleh...?" I love Germans. :)
Saturday I got to go to the temple! I wasn't planning on it originally, especially since I stayed up much too late conversing with the ladies with whom I shared I room. But I managed to wake up just early enough to go. It had a wonderful impact on my day! And then...
We rehearsed. Yep. We had sectionals with the director. Here comes the worst part of the weekend: we had to sing a line of this one song by ourselves, in front of the whole section. Naja, doesn't sound that bad, but singing in front of people somehow makes me forget how to breathe, which is rather unfortunate since singing requires a lot of breath. And so I breathed in the middle of the phrase and the director said it was a catastrophe. Gee, thanks. I can sing just fine when not alone. Guess I'll never have a successful solo career. Didn't want one anyways.
I played some games with my friends that evening. The best part was when nobody told me how to play Skip-Bo (or maybe I just wasn't listening properly when they explained auf Deutsch) and they expected me to be the second one to play. "Your turn, Shelby!" "What am I supposed to DO?!?" And then someone decided to tell me in English how to play. You could say things were lost in translation or something.
Sunday was also rather good. I had dish duty with some Swiss people. Swiss German... is interesting! It would be really cool to learn it. By the way, drying dishes and putting them away goes a lot faster if you make a game out of it.
All in all, I was loath to leave Sunday afternoon. Like I said (wrote? typed?), I don't really get out much, and I only see these people once a month. I get tired of hanging out with people less than half my age day in and day out. Oh Monday. I may not have a real job or go to class, but I still don't like Mondays. And it was such a nice weekend, aside from my catastrophic breathing problem.

Everyone's trying to get it right, get it right.

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