***Warning: 80's rock*** (did you expect much else?)
When you live abroad, nothing's like having a visit from home.
Erin was one of my first friends when I moved to Georgia one semester into high school. She conveniently was able to visit me last week between school and her summer job. Yay for Delta benefits! By the way, Erin doesn't know German and managed to battle her way to me on five hours worth of regional trains. You go girl.
We had lots of adventures together. Soooo... Highlights!
Discovering German Chocolate. I already knew how fabulous it is. According to Erin, you can get everything here in chocolate flavor. Chocolate cream cheese, chocolate in your cookies, chocolate granola, chocolate covered rice cakes, heck, even chocolate pieces in chocolate mousse in your chocolate. What can I say? I love Germany.
Paying Darion two Euros to eat a spicy pepper. It was pretty funny. Enjoy the sequence of facial expressions :
Being engulfed by a bazillion very happy fans. Sometimes I wish my host family would like Fussball like the rest of Germany. Then I would've known about the game. Apparently Eintracht Braunschweig gets to be in the Bundesliga now, which is super awesome, especially since soccer was first played in Germany here. It's been 28 years since the last time Eintracht was this good. My presence in Germany seems to be correlated with the success of certain teams...
Whatever. It's way easier to follow than American football. I just wish I knew more about it.
Going to a castle, which was conveniently hosting a medieval market. Super cool. I finally found a leather bracelet! I've wanted one since, oh, August. Not just any one, no. One from a legit Markt. No mass-produced retail rubbish. (oh dear, my half-hipster side is coming out...)
I couldn't resist getting a pretzel. Erin's not a fan, but I told her she had to try a real German one. And she wanted this one. It's covered in Gouda and Emmentaler and pumpkin seeds. DIVINE! She still didn't like it though. I just don't understand.
Shopping at H&M. We've decided the mirrors in the dressing rooms are skewed to make even the skinniest of people feel too big. And they have cute stuff, despite the facts that their models can't possibly be real people.
Whatever. It's way easier to follow than American football. I just wish I knew more about it.
Just takin a bike ride and pictures at the same time. Like a pro.
We won't mention the other pictures that didn't turn out at all.
Pictures can't capture everything. They may be worth a thousand words each, but whoever said that didn't think about the quality of the words. Thank you, Erin, for saying things I needed to hear :)
And the worst part about her leaving is that there is a possibility that we won't see each other for three years, since we're both going on missions.
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