Honestly, guys, I'm tired of playing Catch-up Travel-log.
Sufficeth to say, I had fun with Felicia. We went to the Steinhuder Meer Festival thing, and we chilled and watched movies and such.
I went back to Braunschweig. I was at my actual home for less than twenty-four hours. Wednesday morning I helped my friend Anna with a film project. I walked to the store to get food. I really miss buying my own food. I don't have too much of a say here... Dang it, I wish I could go to the store too instead of watching the kids while one of the parents goes to the store... So I bought fruit. A lot of fruit, considering how long I'd be home...

But oh my goodness, was it delicious :)
Banana, orange, apple, nectarine, grapes... I really miss being able to eat all the fruit I want.
Thursday, I went to the kids' cousins home. They live on the other side of town. For some reason, the kids adore me. The twin ten-year-olds love that I have nail polish and earrings. That makes sense, but the other two children just like me... I don't know why, but they were all begging me to stay longer. And their mom and I were like, "chill, kids, Shelby will be here for another ten months..." BTdubs, Despicable Me is a lot more funny in English. It's not that I couldn't understand the script in German, but that a lot of the humor just doesn't translate well. Like the famous "it's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!!" is just "it's cuddly!!" It's just not the same...
Early Sunday morning, I took the train to little Lüdinghausen to visit my friend Leonie. Unfortunately, she was really busy this week. She's still in Gymnasium, so I got to visit the German equivalent of high school (more or less). Her parents showed me Münster, which is a cool town. The Thirty Years War was brought to and end there (ok, partially... these peace treaties tend to take forever to draft). I've discovered that apple pie isn't all that American, as I had something that was just like it here. And rotkohl is delicious :)
So, I read the second Harry Potter at Leo's house while she was doing homework or in class. My new goal:
before Christmas.
She let me borrow the remaining five :D
I think it's totally feasible.
I'm kinda tired of traveling by now. I'm going to a smaller Tagung in Darmstadt next weekend, too. This means living in five different places in less than a month. I'm not complaining; in fact, I'm really glad I've gotten to see so much! I'm just ready to take a break from taking a break. Good thing the kids are starting school Monday, so life will settle down nicely.
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