Friday, August 3, 2012

Nothing comes easy

I finally got to do something with people my age on Monday! We went to go see the new Batman film. I honestly didn't like it. It was waaaaay too violent and dark, and focused entirely too much on how bad things got in Gotham City. I don't mind battles and such in films, but this was overkill. I discovered, though, that in Germany, if the film is really long, they insert an intermission. It was a total shocker! On the bright side, I found out my friend, Anna, is also very excited for the Hobbit movie, just like me. I had a bit of a headache after the movie. It was like taking a very long and strenuous test. Since German takes more syllables than English, they had to speak rather fast.  I had to concentrate very hard to be able to understand the script.
One thing I really miss about living on my own, or even with my parents, is being able to get as much produce as I want. I really try to eat a lot of it, but they don't so much here. Even the families that eat "healthily" don't eat as much produce as back home, even though there are more options here. I've been known to eat in one sitting: three bananas, or most of a cantaloupe, or four oranges, a pound of grapes, or a bowl of peas, or half a bag of baby carrots, a huge bowl of Lima beans or a smoothie large enough for three people. So what if I don't like salad? My German family thinks that eating salad every other day makes them healthy. It makes me so very sad. I have eaten green beans and mushrooms and other strange fruits. They aren't easy to get through, but I'm dying for nutrients. Ok, so it's not as bad as it could be, but I miss eating something healthy at every meal and for snacks. That's why I bought myself two oranges yesterday.
Other than that, life has stabilized. I just watch the kids from 10-4 and make sure they don't do anything too dangerous. They usually get along together pretty well. Just your average kids. Except that they don't watch TV, like, ever. Only MacGyver on Sunday afternoons occasionally. Some days it would be nice just to say, "here kids, you're being waaaaay too obnoxious, watch this Disney movie." I agree that watching too much television is bad, but really, people?!?
I can't even unlock the front door. But I have a problem with keys...
It's strange to think, that if this stay in Germany was the length of the last one, I'd be on a plane back home right now... fortunately I have another eleven months :)

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