For some unknown reason, winter decided to make a comeback. And my birthday is supposed to be the coldest day of the year. I don't remember ever not being able to wear a short-sleeved shirt, usually with shorts on my birthday. Well played, Germany. Dumb snow. I've never seen snow in March, either. I think I'll be able to survive anything now. Maybe not Siberia, though.
This week, I tried to get out a bit more. Thursday I got off work early enough to go into town. I headed over to the library to get me some education. As just about any regular American living in Europe, I can definitely feel the holes in my general education. So I found a decent little "Short History of Europe" book to read. And when my head refused to focus on the German words anymore, I found that I still had time to dispose of the remaining funds on my gift card from Christmas. I bought a super-cute skirt for my mission. It even has pockets!!! Pockets add about 100 Awesome Points to any given skirt.
When I got home, there was a phone call (!!!) for me. Jared's sister wanted to know if I could babysit the next day. Ummm... Yes. It took a minute to make the decision, since we were supposed to go to this really big store with absolutely everything. And normal people (AKA non-business-owners) can't normally shop there. But... I need money. Any additional income is most welcome, especially since Au Pairs here don't get paid squat. So I worked my six hours Friday, hopped on some buses over to her home, and babysat. We even got to watch The Incredibles! AND they
all went to bed without a fuss, well, with the exception of the baby. But that's to be expected. Yay for easy kids :)
And Boris died. He was already a bit indolent and lethargic Thursday. When I got back from babysitting, he was all curled up and dead. That reminds me, if you want to laugh at something, watch this
Monty Python vid. Or just about anything Monty Python. I don't recommend the inappropriate ones.
Saturday, I got to go to the library again, but this time with a cardholder. Jared, Dana, and Jared's mother accompanied me. Finally I was able to get some good reading material and a blu-ray to take home. I got the European History book, a small book of German poems and The
Nibelungenlied. That's not something I can easily find auf Deutsch in America. I then went shopping! More stuff for the mission. I got to go to the store that I skipped out on for babysitting, too. Jared said it was exhausting going there, but because stores of that size are, well, commonplace in the States (think Costco/Sam's Club/Walmart), No Big Deal. I hurried back home because I was supposed to babysit for Jared and Maria in exchange for some free time on my birthday. Then they ended up not going out. And to think, I could've seen Les Mis with my friend :(
Backup to Saturday morning at 7:45. Maria had taken the car out for a tune-up. Jilli came down to my room and woke me up to take her to the potty (still working on the whole potty-training thing, so I wasn't too upset that she recognized that she needed to go). Turns out, Maria told Jilli to wake up Jared if she needed something. I was slightly honored that Jilli picked me, even if it was early. And she's started calling me "my Shelby" and giving me super awesome hugs. Score!
It snowed all day today. Not happy. It should never snow in March, let alone three inches. And it may have snowed more since I've been down here in my cave.