Yesterday I went to the doctor for the first time in a very long time. I don't even remember the last time I went to the doctor. I mean, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" right? Nothing was wrong; it was just a necessary visit for my mission papers.
So my host dad is a doctor by profession. He asked his coworker to give me my physical just for the sake of decency. She agreed to do it for free since I'm going on a mission :) I had to take a bus, and then the Straßenbahn, and then another bus to the practice. It's in another town, and I've never been there before. It was an interesting experience. The bus didn't have a display that showed which stop we were at, which complicated things just a little. I ended up getting off two stops late, because I had to go by the time instead of stops. Luckily I spotted a street sign that clued me in on where we were. I then walked to the practice. Thank goodness it was another sunny day! It made the walk rather pleasant. The ironic thing, though, is that I wanted to get off at the proper stop, but couldn't see if it was right or not, so I just stayed put since it was three minutes too early. I had to laugh at myself when I walked past it!
One of the things the doctor had to do was take a blood sample. It was a whole new experience for me. Here's my thought process during the procedure: "Oh gosh here it goes... Don't look... Oh wait, lookie here, this is actually kinda cool... and that's my blood in a little vial... and here's a band-aid! That didn't even hurt! Hmmm... maybe I should donate blood sometime... do they even let foreigners donate blood? I guess I'll have to see if I can do that when I get home...."
And, as expected, I'm perfectly healthy. Woohoo! Just need to get some shots now. And go to the dentist. Both of which are things I haven't exactly done in the past few years. Shame on me.
We also decided where to eat for my birthday. Jared said, "Hey, we saw this new restaurant this weekend, and the kids are dying to go there. It's called KFC, I think..." DEAL!
And Boris is surviving his incarceration just fine. And by that I mean...If he could talk, he'd say: "I'm not dead yet!"And I'd respond: "Oh, shut up, you will be soon!" (name that movie!) I do wonder what the little guy eats though. He's bound to be hungry... wait a sec. I don't really want him to survive anyways.
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