Monday, March 11, 2013

I look at the world and I notice it's turning

Hello, World. Just thought you'd like to know that tomorrow's my birthday. My 21st, to be more exact. There will be no "first legal drink" for me! Firstly, I could've had that months ago when I first got to Germany. Secondly, and more importantly, I don't drink. Never will. And there ya have it.

Today my thoughts have turned back to what was going on in my life a year ago. Life's changed tremendously. Around this time I was:

The happy wearer of shorts. This year, not so much. I don't really dig the whole shorts and tights look. I've already vented enough about the cold front. But last year, the weather in Utah was oh-so-lovely.

Celebrating my birthday with two parties. One was planned for the weekend, the other involved my friends spontaneously deciding we also needed to celebrate my birthday on the actual date and buying lots of ice cream and inviting everyone in the Foreign Language Housing over. I felt rather loved :) That's not to say I don't feel loved now; I have small friends that tell me they like and love me all the time. Goodness, I miss the German House.

Still obsessing over that one boy. I never knew how much or even if he liked me. It seemed to vary more often than the weather, which, as anybody who has lived in Utah knows, changes all the time. It all seems a bit ridiculous now. Heck, I knew I was being ridiculous then! But in hindsight, I'm glad nothing came of it. Still single, though. That most likely won't change any time soon. Here's to the next two years being as single as the last twenty! Yay...

Worried about the future. I found out too late when the scholarship renewal application thing was due... there went my method of paying for education... It was then I decided to somehow move to Germany for a year for real. I'd been dreaming and scheming for a while, but without any resources. That's when I got serious about finding a family that needed an Au Pair.

Enjoying a short visit from my Dad.

Fed up with school. Didn't realize at the moment that I'd soon be taking two-and-a-half to three years off school... Yep. It depends on when I get my mission call. I wasn't even thinking about a mission then. I just wanted to get to my beloved Germany.

Going on picnics for dinner. I mean, I would do my best to persuade the rest of the German House that it was nice enough to carry all of our food and dishes down two flights of stairs and over to some picnic benches. It worked several times! For some reason, I don't think Maria would like the kids eating in the backyard...

My goodness, how life has changed.

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