I just kinda laughed.
My real thoughts? Well, no. It makes me want to have my own kids someday, of course, after I get married and all that jazz. I mean, there are days when the kids are super obnoxious and they make me want to scream, but that's typical for children. I still want kids of my own. This experience is opening up my eyes to how I want to raise my future children. For example, they almost never watch anything on the TV. No shows, no movies, nothing but MacGyver. I had previously thought that it would be great to raise my kids without TV, but now I'm thinking a bit of down-time never ruined a child. Some days it would be really nice to just say, "here kids, let's watch Lion King" or whatever.
On a completely unrelated train of thought...
I really want to visit a walled city. Braunschweig once had a wall, but, like most other cities, it was torn down.
I also dream of owning a record player, preferably a vintage one, and a bunch of awesome old records. Hipster much? I learned the other day that my host dad/boss (I never know what to call him...) had one until just before I came. He got rid of it to make room for me :( Well, my record collection is nothing more than a wish list, so I guess that's ok...
Another dream: live in Germany for forever. We'll see if that happens. I'm working on it :)
One last dream: to cut my hair off. I just can't seem to get around to it. Or find a shoulder-length-ish style that I like that isn't some hairstyle worn by some classic rock star back in the day. I think there's a lot more freedom in that department back in the States.
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