Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Who are you?

Since I've been back... Interesting things have been happening.
Strangely, the five-year-old, Dana, decided she no longer likes me, and tells me even to "geh raus!" (get out) when I walk into her room. Yesterday, when I went to pick her up from Kindergarten, she refused to come, and then when she finally did come, she howled the whole way home, since I wouldn't let her sit in her sister's stroller. Fortunately, she's been better behaved since then. At least she'll talk to me now!
The almost-three-year-old, Jilli, has finally caught the terrible twos. Joy. It's not bad. She just likes to say no.
I've started working on genealogy. I have ancestors from Germany/lands that were once German/whatever. Luckily the guy I work for is really into this stuff. Like overboard. So he helps me to read the really old handwriting. At the beginning, I was convinced it would be easier to read Jilli's scribbles. I'm beginning to get the hang of it, though S's look like F's and I can't tell the difference between i, e, m, n, w, or most other letters. Basically, that leaves lucky guesses. At least they weren't very creative when it came to first names, right? I've only been working on it for two days, so it can only get easier to read... hopefully... We've already found almost fifty people! It's really sad, though, because a lot of them were babies that died in the first month or two. One couple had four babies or so that died, then the last one lived but was killed on the battlefront. It's really interesting work, but also slightly depressing.
I should mention that yesterday I got to eat my first Döner! For all of you who don't know what that is, here's a picture of one. Not mine, specifically, since my picture makes it look rather unappetizing. We had take-out instead of eating at the shop, so the sauce kinda got everywhere. And I didn't have lettuce and tomatoes, since those are nasty. I was a little apprehensive at first, since the ingredients are exactly at the top of my favorite foods list, but I was pleasantly surprised! I had one problem: my mouth is almost too small. It's good there wasn't any Salat in it, or I really would've had difficulties...
I have found a new love for banana chips.
Tomorrow I'm hitting the road yet again. This should be the last time for a while. Luckily I'm traveling with two friends, so the trip should be rather pleasant :) We're going to another Tagung in Darmstadt. Blog fodder!

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