Saturday, September 15, 2012

I've been running down this dusty road

Today I woke up early-ish. We decided to take a mini-trip to some kid's park about 45 minutes away, and I wanted to go jogging before we left at 10:45. So I went for my tiny mini-jog down a dirt road, and I was ready on time. Except we didn't leave as planned. And lateness really bothers me. I mean, I'm usually fine if someone tells me what's going on, but nobody told me anything. I was left to do, well, nothing. My computer decided it doesn't want to connect to the internet while I'm in my lovely basement chamber. Turns out our friends, who we were meeting there, needed some more time. We left at 12:30.
I still am not entirely sure why I went along to a kids park on my day off.
This park was SUPER huge. I couldn't help but wonder as we wandered and stood on the dusty paths just how big it is. It had all sorts of playgrounds and interesting things. Some of the things were borderline creepy. There was a part about bugs, and there were sculptures that made me feel as though I were the tiny bug. There was also a playground-thing under a huge pavillion/in a room decorated with toys, including no less than two Teletubbies. I also got to take Jilli (the two-year-old) on a course over water. I'm sure the course was not meant for small children, as there were jumps and steps that her little legs just could not reach. You can imagine how much fun I had carrying her over some wobbly chain-paths. I would've taken a picture, except I was kinda busy making sure Jilli didn't fall off.
And to top the experience, There Was A Petting Zoo. Petting Zoos are one of my least favorite things on the planet. I'd rather change dirty diapers all day then spend 10 minutes in a petting zoo. At first, it wasn't so bad. There was a little sheep-area to the left of the path, and turkeys to the right. Nothing could touch me, so life was tolerable. Then we moved down the path, past goats and horses and llamas, and then BAM! the only way through was through the pig-area. Shoot. Me. Now. I really don't like animals. So I quickly made my way through to the other side of the fence, only to find that next to me was the geese area. One time, as a young child, I was chased by some geese at a place called Samuel's Farm. I can still remember sitting on top of an old tractor long after the geese were gone, just hoping that a grown-up would come. Needless to say, I REALLY don't like geese. Yay for childhood trauma stories.
After the horrid petting zoo with all the stinky, filthy animals, we had some ice cream. Because I want Eis after being slightly chilled all day. Then came the news: We're having McDonalds for dinner! Thoughts on the matter: yay. my favorite restaurant. will someone please go order my gravestone? So I had some fries for dinner. They're the one thing that I can tolerate from that place. Supposedly McDonalds is better here, but that doesn't mean much. And I really don't want to have to order auf Deutsch. I mean, there are a whole lot of things I don't like on my burger, and life's better, healthier, and easier if I just order fries.
And, inconvenience of all inconveniences, I had to go upstairs to get any internet.
At least tomorrow will be a better day. No petting zoos :)

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