Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I ain't missing you at all

I love that song.

I want to post some things that I miss about each place I've lived, exclusive of specific people. 

I really miss Texas thunderstorms. The big scary kind that come with a threat of hail or tornadoes. I love being outside and watching them roll in, and the when the rain finally starts falling, running under the shelter of the patio until the lightening is too close to stay outside safely. I would then sit by a window and watch the storm, getting up only to check on the radar how much longer it would last. The heavy rain and the mighty thunder fill my soul with happiness.

Georgia? Having a car. It's the only place I've had a car ready to use at all times. Mobility is a great thing.
I would say something about my family, but I said I'd leave people out of this.

The South in general: Heat. I'm so glad I'll be going home in summer. I'm strangely looking forward to walking out of the cool airport into the sweltering heat. Summer doesn't exist in Northern Germany, as far as I'm concerned.
And BBQ. Although it's different in each state, I miss it in general.

What do I miss about BYU? Living a maximum of 10 minutes by bike from my friends. I miss living with people my age. I have had some really awesome roommates, not to mention the great people I got to know in the German House. 

I think I'll miss Germany even more though. I've got less than six months now, unless I get called here on my mission. Keep your fingers crossed for me. 

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