Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We can dance if you want to

Once upon a time, I went to a church dance in Bielefeld. I wasn't really planning on going, but the night before, my friend asked me if I was planning on going and so forth. I don't really get to hang out with friends much, but since she was going, I worked it all out to go. Friday evening, I went as planned to the appointed place of carpooling, only to find out my friend was sick. I figured it wouldn't hurt to make new friends, so I went anyways. Here's some irony: the first guy I danced with is from the States too! You know when you see someone and you think "you look oddly familiar, but I have no idea why on EARTH..." That happened to me. Another guy asked me to dance. He said we'd spoken before, in Kiel, when I was sick. ... ... oh YEAH! That's why you look familiar. I could recall for the life of me what we spoke about, but whatever. I blame feeling miserable for my forgetfulness. I danced with a couple other guys, and made some new friends. And though there were definitely lonely and boring times (I didn't really know anybody there) and snide quotes about dancing and balls from Pride and Prejudice kept popping in my head, I enjoyed myself. I can't always say that about dances. A lot of the time, I agree with Kitty: "I think a ball is an irrational way to gain new acquaintance." I want to watch that movie now... choices, choices... Not like I actually have a lot of stuff to do or homework to get in the way. Anywho...
Mostly life's been same-old, same-old.
We did have another rehearsal weekend for choir. Fun stuff. Except second soprano sucks. It takes all the fun out of being a soprano- the high notes. So at first I thought, "oh well, harmony's fun, right?" Not so, for the seconds, at least in these songs. Mostly it's just boring. Platitudinous, Vapid, Insipid, Plebeian, Stodgy. Sometimes it's like "your not good enough for high notes or awesome enough for real harmony" and I find it almost insulting. Maybe it's just the songs. I sure do miss singing high B and C. Just gimme a chance! Sorry for being such a hater, but... I can't help it.
On the bright side, I got to have a grilled cheese for breakfast today. First one in months. The timing was perfect. Maria bought cheddar cheese, and soft, rather un-German bread at the same time for once. Sweet, tender mercies! And the snow melted!!! That had nothing to do with my lunch for breakfast, but made the day even better. And Dana and I, well mostly me, danced while waiting for the bus. Yes, the day was that good.

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