Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's raining again

I don't think this land ever completely dries out. I recall, even in the relatively (and by that I mean somewhat) sunny summer, your rear-end will probably get damp if you sit on the grass for too long. Having grown up in a drought in Texas, this is all rather strange to me. Anywho... It's been a rather wet couple of weeks.

Last Friday, it was determined that we would go on a hike in a "mini mountain range" just half an hour away. I, as a frequent checker of the weather forecast, thought this was kinda, well, dumb. We either somehow ended up in the Misty Mountains or there were some dementors close by. When it wasn't raining, it was misty and foggy, and the roads were sludge. I didn't mind too much. The hiking kept me warm, and we were out of the house. 
On the bright side, ever since my mom was here, Dana's been a lot nicer to me. No tantrums at the sight of me in her room or at Kindergarten. Maybe she's finally realized I'm on her side and here to play with her and so forth. I can't complain.
And now that the kids are back in school, life is much the same as before. I like being back on a schedule, even if it is different every day. The surprise changes aren't as common now. 
I finally finished Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz. I'm just one book away from crossing something off my bucket list! 
Last Saturday, I watched Pride and Prejudice with my sister, who lives 5,000 miles away. No big deal. We kinda have a tradition of watching it at some point every Christmas break, since it's just that good. And did we manage that across the Atlantic? We pulled up the google+ chat thingy and started at the same time. That way we could comment on all the cute things and quote along and everything. The only way it could've been better would have actually been together. 

This is an awesome address given in 2009 by President Uchtdorf. It's super uplifting and wonderful!

And so, although we've had pretty crummy weather, at least it's not been snowing! Life's good :)

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